The Council is a “creature of statute” and has to have specific powers in law to enable it to do things. It must follow rules and laws, as must individual Councillors.
- Standing Orders (Last update 16/05/2024)
The rules under which the Council regulates its business.
- Financial Regulations (Last update 18/07/2024)
The rules under which the Council’s finances are operated.
- Code of Conduct (Last update 18/03/2021)
The Code of conduct for Members of the Council (and voting non-Councillor members of Committees, sub-committees, panels, working groups, and working parties). The Council has adopted a slightly amended version of the Code from North Northamptonshire Council which is based on the NALC model Code.
- Scheme of Delegation (Last update 22/04/2021)
The Council’s Scheme of Delegation.
Standing Orders for Meetings of Parish Electors (made 21/03/2024)
The rules under which meetings of parish electors operate.