Vehicle speeds in Desborough

Vehicle speeds in Desborough

The Town Council has three TVAS (Temporary Vehicle Activated Sign) speed recording signs (the small white ones) in Desborough.   (The large black signs belong to North Northamptonshire Council.)

The Town Council’s signs are moved and turned around from time to time.  All three signs are well inside the 30 mph limits in Desborough.  They record data from traffic going towards and away from each sign.  Links to the most recent data are set out below and are updated periodically.

In looking at the figures, please bear in mind that a few of the higher speeds may be attributable to the Police, Fire, or Ambulances, going to or from emergency situations.

Current locations:

B576 Rothwell Road (///dares.corporate.maps)

Vehicle speeds Rothwell Road (inwards)

Vehicle speeds Rothwell Road (outwards)


Dunkirk Avenue (///tumblers.flames.cakewalk)

Vehicle speeds Dunkirk Avenue (towards cemetery)

Vehicle speeds Dunkirk Avenue (towards War Memorial)


Harborough Road (///cookers.frostbite.easels)

Vehicle speeds Harborough Road (inwards)

Vehicle speeds Harborough Road (outwards)


Previous locations:

Rushton Road (///

Vehicle speeds Rushton Road (inwards)

Vehicle speeds Rushton Road (outwards)