- This event has passed.
Extra ordinary Council meeting
8 March, 2021 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
To join the meeting follow this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87160766351?pwd=ck1uUnpmV1hWSXl0SWJtR1lwaFR4QT09
If necessary, use the following – Meeting ID: 871 6076 6351 Passcode: 5542036
Owing to the remote nature of attendance, any members of the public wishing to address the Council are requested to provide details to the Town Clerk before the meeting either by emailing the usual form (available here Your Right to Speak at Council Meetings) to the Town Clerk on clerk@desboroughtowncouncil.gov.uk or by sending the same information to the Town Clerk on clerk@desboroughtowncouncil.gov.uk or even by providing the same information to the Town Clerk using the email us facility on this website.
If you are attending the meeting, please note that in accordance with the Council’s Protocol on remote access to meetings, viewers’ microphones and cameras will be disabled unless called to speak by the chair of the meeting. You can indicate your request to speak by “raising your hand” in Zoom.