The Persimmon Homes housing development at the north of Rothwell will provide 700 houses, and a direct access through a link road to the A6.
There was great concern about the specific route to be taken into and out of the site and a concerted effort involving local authorities and campaign groups such as the Rothwell North Working Party. As part of the planning consent, all construction traffic was routed through Desborough from the Market Harborough roundabout. Automatic Number Plate Recognition cameras were sited on the route to police this. Suspected infringements were reported to the developers and ultimately fines were imposed. Now that the Strategic Link Road is (almost) open for construction traffic the fines have been collated and will be used for charitable purposes in the two towns.
Each Town Council has been allocated £28,155 (a total of £56,310). The Town Councils will each consider applications received and make recommendations to Persimmon Homes which will make the payments.
An application form to apply for funds from the Desborough Town Council pot is here. The closing date for applications is 5pm on 31 January 2023. Assistance with applications is available on request. At its February meeting, the Council will consider recommendations from the Community Grants Advisory Panel. Applicants are able to make applications for Community Grants from the Town Council at the same time, and also to Rothwell Town Council’s “Persimmon Homes ANPR” fund.