The site is currently owned by the North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) which intends to develop it for social housing. The DRAFT ideas are indicative and for consultation only.
The proposal is to retain the buildings and convert them for accommodation. The developer in this instance is North Northamptonshire Council. The proposals for the site include 43 Council homes (ranging from 1 to 5 bedrooms). A detailed cost plan has been produced (with an estimated cost of £8.9M – £9.5M) and therefore external funding would be required. Discussions between KBC and with Homes England have been positive and a bid for grant funding is to be submitted in April 2021 (the scheme has already been submitted for pre-application advice). The scheme retains and reuses buildings on site and Historic England has issued letter of support. Subject to the consideration of any responses it is intended that a full planning submission will be made in June 2021, a target construction start date of June 2022 and indicative completion date of December 2023.
The DRAFT proposals are shown here.