Town Events

Town Events

Desborough hosts a number of events throughout the year, some run by the Council and others run by organisations in the town (links to pages not on the Council’s website are beyond the Council’s control).  This information will be changed as details are confirmed.

29 June 2024 – Desborough Carnival and Fete (Desborough Carnival Committee – external link) – last Saturday in June

14 September 2024 – Desborough 1940s Day (Desborough Town Council) – second Saturday in September

November 2024 – Desborough Town Fireworks Display – Desborough Town Football Ground (Desborough Carnival Committee – external link)

10 November 2024 – Remembrance Day parade (Desborough’s Churches, the Desborough Branches of the Royal British Legion, Desborough Town Council) – second Sunday in November (the Sunday nearest to 11 November)

29 November 2024 – Gala Night and Christmas Lights switch-on (Desborough Town Council) – last Friday in November

December 2024 – Christmas Tree Festival (St Giles Church) – usually first Friday in Advent – tbc

December 2024 – Santa Claus (Desborough Carnival Committee – external link) – tbc

February 2025 – Pancake Day race – Havelock Street (Desborough Community Development Trust) Shrove Tuesday

Some day between 1st March and 1st June, both inclusive 2025 – Annual Meeting of Parish Electors