The Town Council is moving ahead working towards the formal publication of a new draft Neighbourhood Plan. The consultant with whom the Council was working has withdrawn (for personal reasons) and a new consultant will be recruited with a view to guiding us through the next stages of the process.
In the meantime, the Town Council is publishing the working draft document which will be amended and completed prior to publication as a formal draft. The Council welcomes comments on the working draft – please email
Some relevant documents relating to previous work are here.
- Draft Neighbourhood Plan October 2017 (warning: pdf is 16Mb)
- Desborough Neighbourhood Plan Heath Check 20201013 Navigus
- Character Appraisal (25/10/2017)
- Desborough Neighbourhood Plan Evidence Base and Policy Review 201807
- Land to the South of Desborough (between Rothwell Road and Sycamore Drive), Desborough, Northamptonshire (appeal decision notice) Appeal Ref: APP/L2820/W/16/3162430
- Public realm vision and strategy for Station Road (draft)
- AECOM site assessment Final 05/2017