Financial Information
Budget pages
Every year, the Town Council has to decide what it wants to do in the coming year(s), the costs of the plans are estimated and the Council draws up a budget to work out how much money it needs for the next financial year. The Town Council then works out how it will pay for the budget plan (for example: grants, fees and charges, savings, Council tax precept). The “precept” is the name given to the amount of money the Council takes from Council tax. It can be supplemented by funds from savings and money set aside in previous years.
North Northamptonshire Council co-ordinates its own and the other demands (from the Office of Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, and all the town and parish councils) to work out how much each household must pay.
The amount you pay in Council Tax is divided amongst the following:
- North Northamptonshire Council
- Office of Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
- Parish/Town Councils – these councils are separate legal bodies, responsible for their own finances via a Council tax precept.
Details of the overall Council tax charges in Desborough are on the North Northamptonshire Council’s website here. Details of Desborough Town Council’s charge in comparison with our adjoining Northamptonshire Councils is here.
Desborough Town Council’s precept figures in recent years:
- 2024/25 £ 75,000
- 2023/24 £ 73,590
- 2022/23 £ 73,590
- 2021/22 £ 73,785
- 2020/21 £ 74,999
- 2019/20 £ 76,016
- 2018/19 £280,000
- 2017/18 £349,700
- 2016/17 £350,000
- 2015/16 £ 67,000
- 2014/15 £ 20,000
- 2013/14 £ 10,000
- 2012/13 £ 10,000
- 2011/12 £ 17,000
Section 137
Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 gives Town, Parish & Community Councils in England & Wales the ability to spend a limited amount of money for purposes for which they have no other specific statutory power. It’s essentially a “power of last resort” and allows Councils to spend money on projects they believe will benefit some or all of their residents.
The amount of money that can be spent under Section 137 is capped and is usually set annually in line with inflation. This means Councils cannot endlessly spend under this provision; they have to be judicious about its use. The 24/25 limit is £10.81 per elector.
It is worth noting that there are other sections and acts which give specific powers and responsibilities to Local Councils, and Section 137 is generally only used when no other specific power applies.
The Council must also ensure that the direct benefit to its area or residents is commensurate with the expenditure incurred. For example, spending £8,000 of the Council’s allowance under Section 137, for the benefit of two people, is very unlikely to meet this test. Councils must therefore exercise care when considering amounts of proposed expenditure under Section 137.