- Grievance Procedures
Procedure for dealing with grievances raised by members of staff.
- Disciplinary Procedure
Disciplinary procedure for Desborough Town Council staff.
- Employer Pensions Discretions Policy
The Council’s policy when it will exercise any discretions under pension regulations.
- Public interest disclosures policy
The Council’s policy relating to “whistleblowing”.
- Member / Officer Protocol
Covers ground rules for interactions and working arrangements between Councillors and staff: it builds on the Town Council’s Code of Conduct for Councillors and should be read in conjunction with it.
- Staffing Structure
The Council has only one employee: the Town Clerk who is also the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO). The postholder is also the Proper Officer as defined in relevant legislation. No employees are paid above the threshold specified in the legislation for publication (£50,000). Given that there is only one employee the pay multiple (between the highest paid person and the median wage) is one.