The Council is required to comply with four distinct (and in some instances contradictory) areas of law: the law relating to Council meetings; the law relating to Coronavirus precautions; the law relating to general Health and Safety; and employment law. The Council has made its best endeavours to comply with all relevant law and guidance in relation to the meeting. The meeting will be held in the library building and there will be places for a maximum of 16 Councillors, staff, and members of the press and public.
The Council is acutely aware of the vulnerability of some members of our community and of those who may rely on them, notwithstanding vaccinations. All furniture and surfaces likely to be touched will be sanitised before the meeting. It is not possible however for this to be carried out during the meeting.
The following precautions will also be made:-
- no-one who has any of the recognised Covid symptoms should enter or attempt to enter the building;
- everyone who enters the building must use the Test & Trace QR Code in the library building (or provide their contact details which will be retained only in line with Covid regulations);
- everyone must wear a suitable face covering (unless exempt) before entering the building, and wear a face coverings at all times unless seated;
- furniture including chairs must not be moved, even if you are attending with other people in your bubble;
- everyone must sanitise their hands on entry to the building and as often as necessary throughout the meeting;
- everyone must remain a two-metre social distance from all others in the building;
- no printed papers will be available, copies of documents are available on the Council’s website;
- no toilet facilities will be available;
- members of the press and public will not be allowed readmittance to the building;
- once the maximum number of attendees is reached there will be no further admittance and no replacement of people leaving the meeting.
A failure to adhere to these precautions and any other directions given at the meeting may result in the suspension of the meeting and any remaining business being carried forward to a future meeting.
How best to attend the meeting
The best and safest way of seeing and hearing what happens at the meeting is to watch online from the safety and comfort of your home.
To join the meeting follow this link:
If necessary, use the following – Meeting ID: 811 0784 6929 Passcode: 4829723
If you wish to join by audio telephone only (your normal call charges will apply) dial one of the following numbers: 0203 9017895, 0208 0806591, 0208 0806592, 0330 0885830, 0131 4601196, 0203 4815237 and use the meeting ID and password given above.
Addressing the Council
Owing to the hybrid nature of attendance, any members of the public wishing to address the Council are requested to provide details to the Town Clerk at least two hours before the meeting either by emailing the usual form (available on the Council’s website here Your Right to Speak at Council Meetings or here Home > Policies > Your Rights > Your Right to Speak at Council Meetings) to the Council using the email address above, by sending the same information to the Town Clerk by email, or using the email us facility on the Council’s website. Any request made after five o’clock on the day of the meeting may not be seen.
Speaking at the meeting
If you wish to speak during the meeting you must click to raise your hand (instructions on Zoom). To raise your hand when you are following the meeting by telephone please press *9, if the Chair invites you to speak you will need to press *6.
The Council will continue to use its best endeavours to make access to the meeting as easy as possible.
All persons in attendance (physically or online) should be aware that they may be seen, heard, or recorded.
The microphones and cameras of Non Town Councillors attending the meeting remotely will be disabled unless the Chair of the meeting invites them to speak. No person may speak at the meeting unless invited to do so by the Chair.