A meeting of Desborough Town Council will be held online using ZOOM on Thursday 21 May 2020, commencing at four o’clock in the afternoon
To attend the meeting follow this link https://us04web.zoom.us/j/74200371369?pwd=WlNKMFZmR0l4eXdXZHNmWG00SlV1UT09
and use the meeting ID: 742 0037 1369
and the password: 8wMF0DTC05
Members of the public who wish to follow proceedings are welcome to use the login details above using Zoom through the app or through a web browser. If you wish to follow proceedings by telephone only please contact the Town Clerk for further information.
All members of the public will be muted and not able to be heard unless the Chair of the meeting invites them to speak. Owing to the remote nature of attendance, any members of the public wishing to address the Council are requested to provide details to the Town Clerk before the meeting either by emailing the usual form (available on the Council’s website here Your Right to Speak at Council Meetings, by sending the same information to the Town Clerk by email, or using the email us facility on the Council’s website.