

Census 2021

The census is coming. By taking part, you can help to inform decisions on services that shape your community, such as schools, doctors’ surgeries and bike lanes. It is important you fill in your...

Grit bins

With the cold weather set to return the County Council has reminded us that although it is impossible to grit every road there are a few grit bins at key places around town.  The contents (a mixture...

Council tax precept 2021-22

Desborough Town Council has fixed its budget for 2021/22 and determined the Council Tax Precept amounts for 2021/22. Details of the amounts being charged by the North Northamptonshire Council; and...

Santa Claus is coming to town!

The Town Council is delighted that arrangements have been made for Santa Claus to come from the North Pole directly to Desborough in 2020.  Santa and his elves and helpers will be doing their best...

Council meeting 19/11/2020 access details

The monthly meeting will be held by Zoom on Thursday 19 November 2020 at 19:00  If necessary, use the following -...

Remembrance Sunday 2020

The Council is observing Remembrance Sunday but in a different way from usual. With the current COVID-19 restrictions and lockdown Desborough Town Council, the Desborough Branches of the Royal...