The notice of public rights and publication of unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability return for...
Persimmon Homes housing development – charitable grants application form
An application form to apply for funds from the Desborough Town Council pot is here in pdf and here in word. The closing date for applications is 5pm on 31 January 2023. Assistance with...
Rothwell Road closures 15 – 16 May 2021
The B576 Rothwell Road will be closed this weekend from 6am on Saturday to 6pm on...
Covid precautions for the Annual Council meeting 20/05/2021
The Council is required to comply with four distinct (and in some instances contradictory) areas of law: the law relating to Council meetings; the law relating to Coronavirus precautions; the law...
Notice of Vacancies in the Office of Councillor, Loatland Ward (May 2021)
Following the election, the Council has four vacant seats for Loatland Ward. Normally, any casual vacancy has to be offered to the electors in the ward to requisition a by-election, and if no...
Planning Appeal Birchfield Spring Nursery aka the “Fish Farm”
Residents will be familiar with the recent troubled history of this site over the last ten or so years. Most recently, the Borough Council issued an enforcement notice and investigations are...
Santa Claus is coming to town!
The Town Council is delighted that arrangements have been made for Santa Claus to come from the North Pole directly to Desborough in 2020. Santa and his elves and helpers will be doing their best...
Remembrance Sunday 2020
The Council is observing Remembrance Sunday but in a different way from usual. With the current COVID-19 restrictions and lockdown Desborough Town Council, the Desborough Branches of the Royal...
2021/22 budget consultation
The Council needs to decide its priorities for the coming year and is asking members of the community to help decide where efforts should be concentrated. At this early stage the Council is asking...
August Council meeting
The Council will hold an additional meeting on 20 August 2020 at 7 o'clock in the evening. As with all meetings at the moment it will be held using Zoom. Details will be published in due course...