
Planning Appeal Birchfield Spring Nursery aka the “Fish Farm”

Residents will be familiar with the recent troubled history of this site over the last ten or so years.  Most recently, the Borough Council issued an enforcement notice and investigations are ongoing from the Environment Agency (EA) and the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA).

The Environment Agency prosecution for breaches of the waste permit at Birchfield Springs is currently awaiting trial at Northampton Crown Court, listed in early 2021.  Due to the ongoing activities at the site, these investigations are continuing and the EA are working closely with the Local Planning Authority.  Any waste incident reports from members of the public should be directed to their incident hotline 0800 807060 so that they can respond accordingly and continue to gather evidence.

Mr L Thomas has appealed against the planning enforcement notice issued by Kettering Borough Council.  The Appeal will be determined by an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State and will be dealt with by a Local Public Inquiry.   This is very important because the Inspector has the power to dismiss the appeal (if they find in favour of the Borough Council), but (if they find in favour of the Appellant) to grant planning permission and quash the enforcement notice.

The Town Council will make representations to the Inspectorate but it is open for any member of the community to do the same.  If you wish to comment you should make written representations to BOTH the Planning Inspectorate AND the Borough Council quoting reference APP/L2820/C/3253535.  The addresses are:-

The Planning Inspectorate, 3/26b, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, BRISTOL, BS1 6PN

Development Services, Kettering Borough Council, Bowling Green Road, KETTERING, NN15 7QX

You can also comment online at

Details of the enforcement notice on Kettering Borough Council’s website are here

A copy of the procedure note for the Inquiry is here: Birchfield Springs Inquiry Procedure

A copy of the Borough Council’s letter to the Town Council is here: Birchfield Springs Letter 20201223