The Council traditionally meets in the library building on the third Thursday evening of each month starting at 7 o'clock.  In August there is no scheduled meeting, and in December the meeting is on the second Thursday. There is one standing Committee (the Personnel Committee) and the Council may appoint Advisory Working Parties and Advisory Committees for specific purposes from time to time.  

You can find your other elected representatives by following the links (these links to sites outside Desborough Town Council’s control).


Member of Parliament

The MP covering Desborough (part of the Kettering Constituency) is Rosie Wrighting MP (she is not a member of Desborough Town Council).


North Northamptonshire Council

Desborough also has three Councillors on North Northamptonshire Council (NNC):-

  • Councillor Mark Dearing (he is not a member of Desborough Town Council);
  • Councillor David Howes (he is not a member of Desborough Town Council); and,
  • Councillor Bill McElhinney (he is also a member of Desborough Town Council).

You can contact any of these for NNC issues previously dealt with by either Kettering Borough Council or Northamptonshire County Council (e.g. housing, highways, education, environmental health, cemeteries, refuse, recycling, adult social care, children's services, and planning).


Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner for Northamptonshire

The Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner for Northamptonshire is Danielle Stone.


Desborough Town Councillors

Cllr Dean Cornwall

Chair of the Council, Loatland Ward

Chair of the Council Co-opted 20/05/2021 Labour Party 20 Victoria…
Councillor French at War Memorial

Cllr Jim French

Vice-Chair of the Council, St. Giles Ward

Conservative Party 239 Rushton Road Desborough Link to Register of…

Cllr Ritesh Bhatt

Loatland Ward

Co-opted 21/11/2024 Link to Register of Members Interests on North…


Cllr Andy Coleman

Loatland Ward

Labour Party 40 Thistle Drive Desborough NN14 2JL   Link…

Cllr Jon Gardiner

St. Giles Ward

Labour Party 36 Leys Avenue Desborough NN14 2PY   Link…

Cllr Tim Healy

Loatland Ward

Labour Party 2 Heathcote Grove Desborough NN14 2XF   Link…

Cllr David Larmour

Loatland Ward

Co-opted 20/05/2021 Labour Party Link to Register of Members Interests…

Cllr Bill McElhinney

Loatland Ward

Conservative Party 16 Ironwood Avenue Desborough NN14 2JJ   Link…
member image

Cllr Sue Roberts

St Giles Ward

Conservative Party 26 Regent Street Desborough     Link to…

Cllr Phil Sawford

St. Giles Ward

Labour Party 46 Federation Avenue Desborough NN14 2NX    …

Cllr Alan Window

St Giles Ward

Liberal Democrat 1 Foxlands Desborough NN14 2UA     Link…

Cllr Helen Wood

St. Giles Ward

Labour Party   Link to Register of Members Interests on…